Real-time 3D Reconstruction with Kimera library and RealSense D435 Depth Camera

Nijat Ibrahimov · August 20, 2022


This markdown file explains the steps to generate a 3D real-time mesh reconstruction using Intel RealSense depth camera and Kimera. Kimera is a C++ library for real-time metric-semantic visual Simultaneous Localizaiton and Mapping (SLAM). It consists of four key components: Visual Inertial Odometry (Kimera-VIO), mesh module reconstruction (Kimera-Mesher), robust pose graph optimization (Kimera-RPGO), and 3D semantic segmentaion (Kimera-Semantics). Please, refer to their paper to read more about how all these key components work together. It is a lightweight, robust and efficient library that works on CPU.

General overview of Kimera is as follows:

Camera Modules

Tested with ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Intel Realsense Camera

Kimera uses stereo images and IMU (if available) as an input. I used RealSense D435 depth camera to stream stereo data.

Camera Modules

Camera Modules

D435 has two stereo cameras with IR projector and RGB camera. Certain models (such as D435i) also have a built-in IMU.

Intel provides SDK for RealSense cameras, which can be downloaded here. The original page provides step by step instructions how to download the SDK for all Operating Systems. It installs RealSense Viewer application, which allows to connect to camera via USB. You can set parameters, stream, take images and update the camera firmware using the application. Additionally, all available drivers for all RealSense cameras can be found here.

The nice thing is this camera have a ROS wrapper which makes it easy to integrate with Kimera.

Install realsense-ros

  • It is possible to install deb package realsense2-camera on Ubuntu.

      sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-realsense2-camera
  • You can build it from source as well.

    1. Create a catkin workspace

       mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
       cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
    2. Clone realsense-ros repository into ~/catkin_ws/src

       git clone
       cd realsense-ros/
       git checkout `git tag | sort -V | grep -P "^2.\d+\.\d+" | tail -1`
       cd ..
    3. Build

       cd ..
       catkin_make clean
       catkin_make -DCATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING=False -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
       catkin_make install
    4. Automatically source setup bash script when new shell is launched.

       echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
       source ~/.bashrc

Launch realsense-ros

In order to start a camera node, you need to start rs_camera.launch file

roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch

It will publish several topics depending the on camera type and settings. Typical topics will include raw_image, rbg_image, camera info, imu data etc.

For more information about parameter setup and usage, please, visit: RealSense ROS.

Kimera VIO and Mesher

There also exists a ROS wrapper for Kimera too, which makes it significantly easier to pass message from depth camera to Kimera and visualize the results with RViz.

Following diagram shows the basic structure of the wrapper.

Camera Modules

Kimera-VIO-ROS installation

  • Besides ROS Neotic (see here), also install non-default dependencies for mesh_rviz_plugins

     sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-image-geometry ros-melodic-pcl-ros ros-melodic-cv-bridge
  • Update package list and install system dependencies

      sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends apt-utils
      sudo apt-get install -y \
            cmake build-essential unzip pkg-config autoconf \
            libboost-all-dev \
            libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev \
      # Use libvtk5-dev, libgtk2.0-dev in ubuntu 16.04 \
            libvtk6-dev libgtk-3-dev \
            libatlas-base-dev gfortran \
            libparmetis-dev \
            python-wstool python-catkin-tools \
  • ROS wrapper installation (see here)

      # Setup catkin workspace
      mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
      cd ~/catkin_ws/
      catkin init
      catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DGTSAM_TANGENT_PREINTEGRATION=OFF
      catkin config --merge-devel
      # Add workspace to bashrc for automatic sourcing of workspace.
      echo 'source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
      # Clone repo
      cd ~/catkin_ws/src
      # For ssh:
      git clone
      # For https:
      # git clone
      # Install dependencies from rosinstall file using wstool
      wstool init # Use unless wstool is already initialized
      # For ssh:
      wstool merge Kimera-VIO-ROS/install/kimera_vio_ros_ssh.rosinstall
      # For https
      # wstool merge Kimera-VIO-ROS/install/kimera_vio_ros_https.rosinstall
      # download and update repos:
      wstool update

    Finally, compile wrapper with catkin build

      catkin build
      source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Kimera Semantics installation

  • Install system dependencies

      sudo apt-get install python-wstool python-catkin-tools  protobuf-compiler autoconf
      sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-cmake-modules
  • ROS wrapper installation

      # Setup catkin workspace
      mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
      cd ~/catkin_ws/
      catkin init
      catkin config --extend /opt/ros/melodic # Change `melodic` to your ROS distro
      catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
      catkin config --merge-devel
      # Add workspace to bashrc.
      echo 'source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash' >> ~/.bashrc
      # Clone repo
      cd ~/catkin_ws/src
      git clone
      # Install dependencies from rosinstall file using wstool
      wstool init # Use unless wstool is already initialized
      # Optionally add Kimera-Semantics to the rosinstall file
      # wstool scrape
      # For ssh:
      wstool merge Kimera-Semantics/install/kimera_semantics_ssh.rosinstall
      # For https:
      #wstool merge Kimera-Semantics/install/kimera_semantics_https.rosinstall
      # Download and update all dependencies
      wstool update

Then, compile:

catkin build kimera_semantics_ros
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash


Before using the real camera, we can test Kimera with Euroc rosbag. In four different terminals, run the fo llowing commands:

roslaunch kimera_vio_ros kimera_vio_ros_euroc.launch run_stereo_dense:=true

roslaunch kimera_semantics_ros kimera_semantics_euroc.launch

rviz -d kimera_semantics_euroc.rviz

rosbag play V1_01_easy.bag --clock

Reconstruction results with both Euroc dataset and RealSense D435 depth camera are as follows:

Camera Modules

Camera Modules

Euroc Dataset Video Demo


Real-time Reconstruction Video Demo


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